I rarely write about my own books but I thought I'd address the issue of the gothic novel. Houses in Gothic novels have a style of architecture that was developed in France during the 12th century and used into the 16th century. It is considered medieval and has turrets, mysterious passageways and scary things that creep through the night. The house can be cold, inhospitable, changeable and mysterious, always with a secret hiding in the past. The house itself is a character in a Gothic novel and it looms over the people living inside, there and yet not there, at the same time.
In A Shadow of Time, two lovers come together to form a complete whole--a family. Then there are more people that must be united to bring about resolution and hope. These people are of the past, the future and the present where I have used multiple dimensions to bring in other stories that must be completed. Let us just say, dark beginnings bring sunlight at the end and the child that faces death is born again Gothic horror is what A Shadow of Time is all about. It is a mode of literature that combines fiction, horror, death and romance that dates back to English author Horace Walpole and his 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto. I have used A Shadow of Time as a means of bringing in elements of the paranormal or perhaps I should say supra-normal instead. Some fabulous Gothic novels of which I am sure you are aware include: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame The House of the Seven Gables The Shadow of the Wind Interview With the Vampire Dracula Frankenstein I grew up on Gothic fiction and love the genre. Within a Gothic novel's pages there is mystery, death, love and redemption. There is generally a supernatural evil that faces a supernatural good usually in the guise of a pair of lovers that come together to save that which needs to be saved. A combination of factors leaves you with a sense of dread that keeps readers up at night. Hence the review above. This can be produced through a blend of physical, psychological and metaphysical horror that ultimately ends with the lovers being reunited as one complete whole to give the reader a satisfied ending. I wrote A Shadow of Time for myself because the genre had fallen on hard times but then discovered there was a wealth of readers out there that still enjoy a good Gothic read. So, if you like the paranormal and creepy haunted houses with a dark romantic twist, venture into the estate called Shadow Ley. Buy link here: www.amazon.com/Shadow-Time-Louann-Carroll/dp/1941637205/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8 Website Follow me on Twitter Ellysian Press Amazon Author Profile Social Journalism Comments are closed.
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