I have a soft spot for kids. I deliberately set about finding pictures of newborns in Brazil that have been malformed by the Zika virus.
Why? Because Zika is a virus that does very little damage. I would never use Zika in a book because when you get it, you don't even know you have it. I felt something was different about this virus. It was not only more virulent it was causing deformations in fetuses. And it was coming out of Brazil. Once my curiosity was aroused I was off and running. I love science and physics and something was stinking to high heaven. My first search was for genetically modified mosquitos because an alarm bell was going off in my brain. Somewhere, somehow, I had heard about this. It was in regards to vaccinating third world kids without them or their parents knowing. The first thing I found was this: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/129462/20160203/oxitecs-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-could-be-responsible-for-zika-epidemic-in-brazil-critics.htm Sigh. OK, now I was wondering where they got the money. It is ALWAYS about money. I knew people were trying to eradicate Dengue so, who is supporting modifying genetics in mosquitos to prevent Dengue (a virus that cohabatates with Zika)? http://naturalsociety.com/bill-gates-foundation-funded-approval-of-genetically-modified-mosquitoes/ Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. And where were the genetically modified mosquitos released? http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/dengue-fighting-mosquitoes-are-suppressing-wild-populations-brazil Brazil. OK. Now I have the means of delivery. What happened to the virus? Here is where conspiracy meets reality. https://quittingiseasy.com/2016/01/is-the-zika-virus-weaponized-gmo-or-just-another-bad-idea-gone-bad/ GMO, GMO. Monsanto pops into mind. I abhor Monsanto because it is my personal belief that GMO foods contributed to me developing Crohn's disease. Who was Monsanto mixed up with? http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/poverty-matters/2010/sep/29/gates-foundation-gm-monsanto The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So there you have it. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was subsidizing genetically modified mosquitos that were released in Brazil in 2015. http://www.naturalnews.com/052847_Bill_Gates_Zika_virus_depopulation.html It isn't a far reach to think that some idiot used Zika, a mild virus, to innoculate people in Brazil against Dengue. Stupid fools. http://www.naturalnews.com/035105_Bill_Gates_Monsanto_eugenics.html Or maybe it is all about eugenics. There has been an uproar over using mosquitos to sterilize overburdened third world countries lately. I do not pretend that I have personal knowledge of this because I don't. However if this lines up from a simple Google search someone should haul these idiots in front of a grand jury. What has our world come to when we allow people of wealth to play God? Comments are closed.
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