![]() It's Crohn's Thursday! Before I go on, I'm still at the Wicked Romance website here. Drop by and sign up to win a free copy of Gemini Rising and A Shadow of Time. Plus, you'll learn a little about the strange nature of Quantum Physics. It's been one of those weeks. The last thing Crohn's likes is stress and I've got it in bucket loads. Since it's not the type of stress that will go away on its own, I just have to learn to live with the ups and downs of the situation. Well, it's not the first time life has given me a face-plant. Along with Crohn's, I have Hasimoto's which attacks the thyroid and while my thyroid seems to be improving (energy wise I feel better) I've now developed a weird fever. Since my body temperature was so low because of my thyroid (97.6 or so) now I have this temperature thing that runs anywhere from 98.6 (normal) to 99.5 which isn't too high, but it comes and goes throughout the day. The fever goes up, I break a sweat, the fever goes down. Then the process starts over again. Besides physics, autoimmune diseases are a quirky bunch, too. I have a doctor's appointment next week so maybe I'll come back with some answers. In the meantime, I'm keeping my sweat rag handy. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation has come out with the Escape the Stall ads and is asking us crohnies and colitis sufferers how we like the campaign. At first I didn't like them. Who wants to be reminded of how often we are in the rest room? But then I saw the little girl's shoes and as children are my weakness, I filled up with tears. I am frantic over the state of my children and grandchildren. I worry that I've given them this horrible genetic disorder. So far, my daughter has UC and my youngest son has a slight case of diverticulitis. I don't want my grandchildren to suffer with this and pray for a cure each night. Back to the ad campaign. So, now I'm liking it. Just because it reminds people that it's not about adults. Babies are born with Crohn's, young children, pre-teens, teens, and young adults are struck down each day. As I've said before, Crohn's is not for the faint-of-heart. So, that's where I stand on the ad campaign. What's your opinion?
Carrie Anne
1/10/2013 05:49:25 am
Saw your post on CCF FB. I like the ad too. Thought it was graphic at first, but it grew on me.
1/10/2013 06:52:51 am
It was the sparkly shoes under the stall door. The pink and white tennis shoes. God bless the kids.
Karen Peterson
1/10/2013 06:51:49 am
I like the ad. I'm not crazy about the stalls but it's ok I guess. Comments are closed.
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