Congratulations, Shawna! The second book in the Speak of the Devil series is finally out. I loved the first one and I am sure I will enjoy the next.
The demons strike back! Lily is working with the angels to stifle the last of the demon outbreaks and to figure out how to stop the Silence of God, so life can get back to boring normality. But all hell breaks loose when she’s stolen from school and brought face to face with the devil himself. Lily has to find her way back home to Luc, crack the prophecy that breaks the curse silencing God, and figure out how she and Luc can ever really be together; but Lucifer has other plans for her that don’t include her ever getting out of Hell intact. Romance | Paranormal | Teen | Young Adult | YA | Fantasy | Angels | Demons | Devils | New Adult | NA Buy Links Amazon: Barnes & Noble: Kobo: iTunes: About Shawna Romkey Shawna grew up around farms in the heart of Missouri but went to the University of Kansas, was raised in the US but now lives on the ocean in Nova Scotia with her husband, two sons, one rescue dog and one overgrown puppy from hell. She’s a non-conformist who follows her heart. She’s taught English at the university and secondary levels for close to twenty years and can’t quite fathom how all of her students have grown up, yet she’s managed to stay the same. She’s a huge geek and fan of Xena, Buffy and all kick ass women, and loves to write stories that have strong female characters. Links Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads Comments are closed.
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