Trying to write a novel isn't easy. You have to keep track of what you're doing, use your outline to stay on target, and help the story flow. Doing it with pneumonia makes the task twice as hard.
For the past ten days I've been tied to my house, my computer staring me in the face, daring me to turn it on and write something comprehensible. Most of the time I'm too damn tired to get out of bed. Then I decided to make one of my characters sick. I gave her a constant dry cough, made her fever rage, and even gave her nightmares. Transferring my illness onto the written page has helped enormously, of course my poor Kate isn't doing too well. Kate is my main character in Gemini Rising and she's also the main character in the next book in the series, Olam Yetzirah. I like her. She's younger than me, but she's tough in a gentle way. She loves archaeology and enjoys getting her fingers dirty. She's also not afraid to state her opinion. She, like me, hates to be sick. Maybe I'll delete that part of the story or maybe I won't. I like being sick with someone I know so she'll share my symptoms until I am well. The Olam Yetzirah is the place where angels live and the world where Noah took Kate at the end of Gemini. It's a lovely place filled with marble halls, fragrant flowers, and rich green lawns. Of course she misses the children, but will soon find them again. In case you are interested, there are two more books following Olam. The other book I'm working on is Redemption. It's certainly not paranormal romance, but it is paranormal crime, and it is based on a true story. It is quite possible that Redemption may become a free read on this website, one chapter at a time. Since there are 23 chapters already, it might take some time to get through. Lastly, A Shadow of Time is awaiting approval at Crescent Moon Press. This is a lovely story encompassing multidimensional worlds and reincarnation. Kellyn, my main character, is young, widowed, has one young son and is pregnant with her second. Check under work in progress for more on this book. I'm off now to snuffle myself to sleep and hope the coughing and wheezing ease when I awake. Thanks for reading and a special thanks to all the Amazon Breakthrough Novel hopefuls for 2010. If you have time, please visit and check out their novel excerpts. If you can, please leave a review. All the novelists have worked hard at their craft and appreciate your thoughts and opinions. Warmly, Louann Comments are closed.
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