In my reality, back in the 70s, I fought for the Equal Rights Amendment. I protested with my kids in tow, fell and sprained my ankle on live TV and fought for equal pay. I rejoiced when the things we fought for made it into the legislature and cried when others were denied. A dear friend kindly painted our placards as an artist I am not.
In my universe, the government stopped the war in Vietnam and impeached tricky Dick. I breastfed my middle child while watching the Nixon hearings in the dead of night. I was proud that my country had the guts to do something about corruption. Flawed, but not broken the United States of America was one of the good guys and when Iran wouldn't give us back our hostages we went in and got them. We didn't pay ransom. We took what was ours. I struggle to find anything in this world that is familiar to the one I left. Can you imagine voting for someone who lies repeatedly and doesn't even care if people know? Imagine the pain the family members who lost loved ones in Bengazi must feel. And someone from a reality TV show would never have had the chance. In this universe, the woman running for office spent an entire 8 years ripping apart the women who had affairs with her husband. This person, who says she supported the ERA, is seriously mistaken. She refers to many of them as 'trailer trash' and no one says a word. This is not, in any way, shape or form a woman's rights activist. When the going got rough it wasn't her husband's fault. No, the fault lay with the trailer trash. Then there's the uber rich reality TV star running who smears women as an after thought. His insults are demeaning, eggregarious, and childish. Let us not forget hurtful. There are too many too count and too many to wipe away. Ask yourself to look at the facts. Then ask yourself if you are from this reality. I'm not. In the Middle East, America supports militant rebels who have vowed to wipe Americans off the earth while Russia supports the (supposedly) freely elected government that once had a modern society. If the ME hailed from the 16th century we've sent them back to the 1300s. This makes the Berenstein Bears a mere blip on the radar. The Jiffy peanut butter mystery nothing more than an entertaining thought. Everything is upside down. What used to be right is now wrong. Last night, in the middle of an old black and white classic horror flick at prime time with kids watching, appears a commercial for a premature ejaculation rub. It's better than thinking of your grandmother is the tag line from the man humping his girlfriend. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Comments are closed.
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