Should we worry that the twelfth planet otherwise known as Planet X is nearing Earth?
Probably not. But it makes for a great story. When I was writing Gemini Rising, The Crossing, I delved into every theory I could find about this planet. Is there evidence for it? There sure is. Is there or ongoing argument about what this means? You bet. In, 1973 or 74, Zecharia Sitchin translated a Sumerian text that explained the story of mankind as he/she is today. The Sumerians believed that there was a twelfth planet that had an elliptical orbit that passed through our solar system every 3-6,000 years. This planet is slated to tilt our axis and devastate our planet. Early cavemen were genetically modified by the Anunnaki, who lived on Nibiru, so they could use them as miners to mine gold the Anunnaki needed for their atmosphere. It takes, depending upon who you read, Nibiru, 3600-6000 years to complete its orbit and the last time it would have been in our vicinity would be about 160 B.C.E. The gravitational effects of Nibiru is said to be enough to destroy civilization and most of humanity which would account for the various disasters that have happened across our planet for eons. But is there scientific proof? There is. Just copy and paste the links below According to NASA a tenth planet, this was before Pluto was downgraded, was found in 2005, you can read their article here. Now that mainstream science has entered the fray, everything is open to interpretation. Some call the visitor Planet Nine, Planet 10 and some 11 and even more 12. I read Sitchen's book back in the 70s and was mesmerized by an alternative version of the history of mankind. The myth still fascinates me, which is why I wrote The Crossing. My book was originally published by Crescent Moon Press. I took back the rights to The Crossing as soon as I could because the editing was done poorly and many things in the book were changed without my permission. My vision for Gemini Rising, The Crossing, and books two and three are about to come to fruition. So many things have changed since I first wrote the story back in the 90s that bringing it up to date has been a challenge to say the least. On a more serious note, there are some who say to prepare for earthquakes, volcanoes, planet tilts and other natural disasters and let us not forget fire, flood, and pestilence. So what do you think is to blame for all the natural disasters attacking our planet the last decade? Is it Nibiru or climate change? Enjoy the embedded links above or copy and paste. If you enjoy a mystery you will find one here. Comments are closed.
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