Ethan Rush, M.D., volunteers at the local emergency room one weekend a month. This particular weekend finds him waiting for an auto accident, one in which a woman has coded. Upon arrival, Rush discovers the woman is his wife, Jennifer. Refusing to believe she has died, he works on her for over fifteen minutes, eventually bringing her back to life.
Jennifer has changed since her NDE. Ethan starts an institute to study NDEs, yet he senses his wife continues to hold something back. In some ways, she is no longer herself. Jeremy Logan, a friend of Ethan Rush, is also a famed enigmologist and paranormal researcher. He is asked to accompany Ethan, his wife, and famed archaeologist, Porter Stone to uncover the Pharaoh Narmer's tomb. Narmer, credited with bringing together Northern and Southern Egypt, is said to be buried with two crowns one white--one red. The symbol of a unified Egypt. Finding Narmer's tomb would propel Stone into the inner circle of archaeologists with major finds. The tomb is buried in the Sudd, a miserable, hot, bug infested swamp, just outside Egypt proper. With Logan's help along with Jennifer Rush's mediumistic talents, the tomb is discovered and a curse unearthed. But is Jennifer really communicating with a creature dead for over five thousand years? The Third Gate is a good read. However, I wish the expedition had been seeking something other than hats. I know, discovering them would be awesome, but I dunno, it just didn't strike me as being that great a find. I really liked Jeremy Logan. Most of the book is told through his POV so you develop a relationship. Everyone else is seen through his eyes, except when someone is affected by the curse, or dies. The Third Gate is well written, flows smoothly, and is very enjoyable. I would recommend it for a weekend alone with lots of munchies. Disclaimer: Advanced Reader's Edition Comments are closed.
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