When I started researching Street Teams, I was surprised to discover they'd been out there forever. Even back in the sixties commercials would use the, I'll tell you, you tell two people, they each tell two more people, etc etc. Pretty good way to get a name out there. Especially if people love the product. Novelists are starting to use the street team to sell their product which is, of course, their own books. I started out with family and then branched into friends. Now I have people that ask to join. If you are interested click here or copy and paste this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/368015916685433/ into your browser and message me. My street team is a little tweaked. Since so many of my friends are creative types, I thought well, why stop with me? Why not make it us? I work much better in a group than by myself because I am very uncomfortable in marketing just me. It just seems so egotistical. For Christmas, I bought my two daughter-in-laws these wonderful slippers and hand warmers (see below) from a friend (also a Street Team member) and I loved them. Really loved them. So, I thought, why not include a pair of hand warmers and slippers as my monthly give-a-way prize. So, to say thank-you to my street team who share my posts about books with others, I made my monthly give-a-way about them. No one will turn down hand warmers and slippers. You just have to love them. And you can't enjoy a good book unless you are warm. Everyone knows that. Oh, and to keep me honest, I admit to keeping the pink ones for myself. And...the variegated blue and pink ones, too. That way, when one is in the wash I have the other pair to keep my feet warm. I have very cold hands and feet.
Really. Back to the street team. I decided that my Street Team is not about marketing, but about making friends. I like people. Especially nice ones. I let everyone know they can come and go as they please. If people just want to check in now and then they can unfollow the group, so posts don't appear in their timeline, but they still remain members. Or, if they choose, they can opt out never to set foot in the team again. It is a very relaxed group. Like I said before, drop by and visit us. We'd love to see you there. (((hugs))) Louann 12/12/2014 01:45:44 pm
Nice article, Louann. I realized street teams were about making friends with nice people, too, and decided to tweak mine into more of a club for that very reason.
Louann Carroll
12/13/2014 03:12:50 am
I have had so much fun, I can't believe I didn't do it years ago. Thanks for commenting. Comments are closed.
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