eljefebob, rubyr, Kairos, Pam La Pier, peraspera, Yasuragi, Phil, i m bobo, AnotherAmericanLie, KenBee, JanL, greenbird, fishgrease, gulfgal, Kait, DawnN,gchaucer2, khowell,Wee Mama, Lissa Drake, cotterperson, Tomtech, preciouslittle, and more at To view the daily logs click on diaries then click on Gulf Watchers ROV. These are the 24-hour 7 day-a-week, gulf ROV watchers. They have sacrificed family and friends to continuously watch the submersibles trolling the Gulf of Mexico for leaks, plumes, and monitoring the new capping stack on the Macondo Well. Some commentators are eco-friendly, some are conservative, but all are human and show through their posts the caring and heartfelt emotions each has experienced. Although not a commentator, I have read the watchers comments on the tension in the gulf. They have made me laugh and cry, and given me hope and despair. Lately, sadness has erupted as the magically evaporated oil reappeared under the ocean’s surface. There, fish and larvae eat the oil and dispersments, corrupting life in the deep. I have seen beards of icy oil, and gas, populate the capping stack when our government and BP have said that zero oil is going into the gulf. I have witnessed the videos of the Macondo Well fade into pixels when there was something BP didn’t want us to see. The people who man the ROVs in the gulf, sent rubyr a tee shirt with their logo on the front as a thank you for her perseverance. The men and women operating the ROVs are heroes just as the watchers are. Each monitor BP to keep them honest, too bad we can’t monitor the government as well. With BP considering removing the capping stack to replace it with another more user friendly to the bottom kill, they worry the well may begin to spew again. As BP withdraws their access to the ROVs, the worry grows larger. No one, it seems, knows what BP is doing. Pam LaPier, a blogger, says from her web diary: I am so proud to be included in the Gulf Recovery Blogathon. I was a lurker for many years here at the Daily Kos until the day the Deep Horizon oil rig exploded and ripped a gash into Mother Earth, causing her blood to gush into the Gulf of Mexico. Link:,8/13/17111/8210. If you are interested in contributing to the Gulf clean up, visit her diary where she has placed numerous links to offer support. She also offers a place to leave your well wishes for families that have lost loved ones. khowell says: This is where you want to be for discussion, worrying, tearing up, and caring for each other. It’s where you’re welcome to be angry and scream and curse and cry and rant at the criminal negligence and greed that have brought us all together. k doesn’t name names as s/he worries about hurting someone’s feelings. S/he says, “There’s enough hurt on the outside without bringing it in here.” I hope I haven’t left anyone out, but if I have, my most sincere apologies. You guys are doing a wonderful job and I just wanted to thank you. Other important links: Comments are closed.
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