Accepting that your pet has to have her eye removed and more than likely the other eye in the next few months is a hard place to get to.
We've decided not to put in a prothesis only because we don't want to cause her any additional pain, but this will depend on what the vet says. Bella is a sociable dog. She loves people and dogs so we want to do whatever possible to keep that alive in her. She has had enough rejection in her life. Because her eye is swollen she is in a lot of pain. She seems to tolerate the Tramadol well. A friend of mine, who knows a lot about dogs says Bella will feel better once the eye is removed. We think she probably picks up our emotions too so we did the happy dance in the kitchen this morning and it did perk her up. I have been introduced to FB and web pages about disabled dogs that contain a wealth of information. Who knew they have halos (even one with wings) to help prevent her from bumping her head and to assist her in mapping her living space. I cannot tell you what relief this has brought. I know some people think: it's just a dog, get over it. To them I say, the next time you see a disabled child smile at a disabled dog your heart will break into a million pieces. If you are blessed, such a love will enter your heart it will stop you in your tracks. We have had dogs all our lives, but they were all puppies. Bella and Aggie are our first victims of abuse. We work hard every day to earn their trust and to teach them humans can be trusted. Nobody thought we could do it. Least of all Aggie who had been hurt the worst. Now instead of ducking at a raised hand she thinks there is food and laps are meant to be slept in. We are already planning to block off the stairs and to put a doggie door in the front door so Bella can reach level ground. It will be a learning experience for all of us but we will get there one step at a time. Comments are closed.
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