Jimmy Holiday, defrocked priest and reluctant exorcist continues his adventures in Sorrow's Turn. Together with his witchy girlfriend Tabby, Lucy, a ghost with a past, and Doc Holliday, Jimmy's gunslinger ancestor and the protector of Lucy's soul, they once again face a world where demons and devils fight for superiority in a troubled world. In book 2, Tabby receives a "fleshing rod" from the Devil, but it takes a curious little girl with a love for pizza, to give the wand a try creating a body from which she can once again taste earthly pleasures. For Lucy, the luxury doesn't last long. The body dies putting her through hell and leaving one heck of a spot on the living room rug. Not only does Lucy's recreated form die but her flesh and blood body who still resides with her father meets her demise as well. When Doc Holliday tells Jimmy of Lucy's troubles, Jimmy discovers that Lucy already knows her body died and her mother killed herself over the loss of her little girl. Jimmy is left again to wonder just who and what Lucy is. The Order sends Jimmy to Exorcist School in Rome and since Doc Holliday can't cross the ocean Jimmy must take Lucy with him. When they arrive in Rome Jimmy discovers someone has usurped his wishes and Lucy comes with more baggage than he originally thought. When he returns home, Tabby is changed in more ways than he can imagine. The devil himself reinserts himself into Jimmy's life with a plethora of tricks and traps that Jimmy must walk through without blowing up himself and those he loves. With Tabby's familiar cat, a house protected with charms against evil doers, something or someone can still get in. Once again DeVor hits a home run with a novel that will capture your attention and steal your time. Sorrow's Turn, like the other 2 books in the series forces your attention away from the real world and directs it into DeVor's universe where exorcists fight the unseen world. DeVor's talent for storytelling comes alive on the printed page. Sorrow's Turn has a quick pace and DeVor's writing makes the novel an easy read that you can loose yourself in. The editing is well done and DeVor's ability to wrap you into her work is superb. Since I am a firm believer in eating and drinking while reading, I recommend Scheid Vineyards Claret Reserve 2010 Red Wine from California along with some Belgian Bulk Dark Chocolate Couverture King of the Belgians to ease the passage into unseen worlds. Profiter de l'obscurité! Comments are closed.
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