![]() You wake up in the morning feeling like the cat in the picture. Yesterday afternoon, after feeling pretty dang wonderful for a few days, I was ready to announce to the world (and my husband) that I was in remission. That did not last long. ![]() I was sitting at my desk when it began. A horrible tummy ache, nausea, hot flashes, and then, the worst flare imaginable. I had no idea what to do. We had clients in the office and when a flare hits, there's nowhere else to go but to the bathroom. Bending over in agony, I cursed everything there is about being human. I mean this just sucks! If you're going to have a disease, why does it have to be this one? Crohn's is an autoimmune disease. Much like MS. In MS your immune system attacks your brain while in Crohn's it attacks your intestines primarily, though it can morph over into your pancreas, your back (believe it or not) and other organs. I'm one of the lucky few that has experienced Crohn's in various parts of my body. Like my eyes, my stomach, my mouth, pancreas, back, etc. Whoopee. Shall I go on? So, feeling like the catfish, I headed over to my old friends, the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation and to my most fav place, The Crohn's Forum. They have oodles of info on the disease and provide a great place to vent. Crohn's attacks can be triggered by stress. Last week my new book A Shadow of Time was released AND I had my grandkids for a week. Finally, I headed back to work for some rest and relaxation...not. We had new client appointments and boy was I surprised when the last one of the day was my nurse from my GI clinic. She asked, "How are you doing?" "I gotta run to the bathroom." She smiled. "I understand." What are the freakin odds my nurse would come in? I'm also waiting to hear when my brother starts treatment for Hep C. I get so angry when I think treatment could have been started four years ago, before Cirrhosis set in. Uh, there's a ton of stress in that thought alone. I've already had some reviews come in on Shadow. One woman wrote me and said she couldn't put it down. She had to finish it. *smiles* That made my day. I'm also waiting on a review from the Paranormal Romance Guild. They are tough ladies to please. Then later this month I'm hosting, along with Wendy Russo, another author at Crescent Moon, a book fair. Now that should be interesting since I've never done anything like it before. If you're interested take a look at my events page. ![]() When you have Crohn's some days are best spent in bed. However, I have YET to let that happen--except when visiting my local hospital. I'm do for my immune suppressant shot tomorrow so hopefully that will kick the flare's butt. As always, I wish everyone the very best--lots of hugs and kisses--accompanied by the best of health and a great book to read. Oh, and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. If you're up to it, stop by Crescent Moon's Facebook page and give it a 'like'. Or pop by my author page and like it too. Everyone needs a like now and then. Then there's the Crescent Moon Press blog that has lots of fun stuff to read. When I'm not feeling well, I spend my time blog hopping. It's fun to read what other authors are writing. Kinda gives you an insight into yourself as well. Thank you for all your wonderful support during these last few weeks. I hope you enjoy A Shadow of Time ( you can 'like' it on Amazon) and appreciate your wonderful e-mails (and comments) of encouragement. *hugs* Louann
7/10/2012 06:13:03 am
Ah, heck, Louann. Was hoping you'd be feeling great when I saw your tweet. Crohn's is miserable. And it strikes at the most inopportune times!
7/10/2012 06:15:05 am
Hey, Sharon. You're fast! I just sent the tweet. Last night Bloomberg had a woman on the show with MS. They covered a lot of info on the autoimmune diseases. If I can find the link to the show I'll post it here. They think if they can find a cure for one, maybe a cure for all will be right around the corner.
7/10/2012 07:41:46 am
Fellow Crohie here! Hope you feel better soon. I just ordered your book. I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
7/10/2012 08:02:51 am
Hi, Abby. Do NOT read about Crohn's on Wikipedia. If I was feeling depressed before, I'm worse now. *urgh*
7/10/2012 08:07:23 am
Here's the link. It's mostly about MS but it does discuss Crohn's. Comments are closed.
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