Navigating social media can be a bit magical. You're never quite sure you are doing the right thing. Sometimes, something important slips right out of your hands. And really, does it work? I'm on Twitter (You can click on the icons above to follow me if you wish), and I'm on Facebook, and I keep my website up-to-date. I'm also a presence on Goodreads and I do have my own 'author' page on Amazon and Facebook. To do any more would take too much time and I'll never get the books I want to write--finished. I also put together a list of new Sci-fi, Time Travel, and Fantasy releases for USA Today each week. I'm about social media'd out. When you couple the fact that the books I write cross genres, you can see how difficult marketing can be. Take A Shadow of Time. The novel is paranormal with an element of horror so I could market the book both ways. Gemini Rising is sci-fi, paranormal, apocalyptic so I can go multiple ways there as well. I like books that cross genres though my editor once told me to stick to one and knock off the side trips. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I do have presence if counting the visits to this site means anything. I get 500-600 hits per day on the low end and can get up to 1k on a good day. I like to track things and am pleased to announce I receive an inordinate amount of new viewers. Not that I have anything important to say, but I do love books. I love to read and I love to read cross genre books. I also like to do book reviews. There is always the beloved auto-responder where you load every e-mail addy you have and do an e-mail blast to let people know what you are up to. I decided that was too intrusive so I crossed it off my list. I guest blog on other blogs, but got to thinking that might even over do it. Just Google my name. I'm everywhere. It's rather embarrassing. Besides, if my books are good enough people will read them. They will tell other people and so on and so on. Do I have to tweet? Yes, I do. And I have to Facebook, and Goodread, and guest blog when new books come out. That's not so overwhelming and gives me time to keep writing. Then I met Hootsuite. What a wonderful, free program, that allows me to utilize all social media contacts on one page. I have died and gone to heaven. Then I was introduced to Triberr where I connected up with other bloggers and now we have a collective reach of over 10,000 people. Nice. Those are my thoughts on social media. I realize it is important, but really, does it sell books? No, it sells your brand. Who you are, what you write, the aura that surrounds you. So make sure when you are out there marketing you let your authentic self shine through. Yeah, some people will have a problem with you blogging, tweeting, twerking, whatever, but so what. Just be yourself, write about the things you love and that interest you, and someday, you might see your name on the New York Times Best Seller List. Oh, yeah, it also helps if you write a good book. (((Hugs))) Louann 11/18/2013 01:11:32 am
I'm about where you are--minus the USA Today list. It's tough trying to sell books. :-(
11/18/2013 01:50:30 am
That it is, Penelope. Especially since the world seems so glutted with books today. Anyone who has a computer can publish a book. Comments are closed.
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