Well, UFO's have put in their appearance over the Dome of the Rock/Temple Mount. Airports had to realign their magnetic north to comply with a 40 mile shift in the North Pole this past January. There are riots in Egypt, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and a terrorist bombing of the gas line between Egypt, Israel,and Jordan.
UFO pics: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/8298744/ UFO-hovers-over-Jerusalem-shrine.html. As of this date, two more videos have come to light both confirming the light's trajectory and brilliance. Is it real? I have no idea. Early in January our North Pole shifted 40 miles: http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.co m/_news/2011/01/07/5787088-pole-shift-forces-airport-makeover. Ten years ago I saw my first UFO. The thing was round, hung in the sky for over 40 minutes, and both my husband and I eventually got bored with viewing it. Around the base of the object, red, yellow, blue, and green lights flickered in sequence. We went to bed sure we'd read about it in the next days paper. Not. Couldn't even find a soul other than us who'd seen the dang thing. Still, it looked nothing like this blurry object seen over the Dome. This was a real as an airplane, hovered over Lake Tahoe without a sound, then it disappeared in the wink of an eye. It was shortly after the Challenger disaster and I remember yelling at my husband that if that round thing in the sky was built by us, what the heck were we doing sending up shuttles that are prone to blow up. My brother, while a Merchant Mariner, saw several UFOs. He said they were quite common running and playing along the horizon, teasing them, he thought. Gemini Rising calls to mind the triangular objects that held Arizona in their thrall several years ago. I suppose my personal experience got me into researching UFOs and where they came from. I don't have any answers except to say they are either created by us--or not. So there you go. An unexplained enigma. My son says he saw one when he was a teenager. He says it hovered over our house and was like the blurry object in the video. I have friends who've seen them, especially out in the Northern Sacramento Valley where ambient lighting is hard to find. I have no idea if they mean something or not, but with my writers' imagination, it's hard to keep it in check. I'm sending good vibes to Egypt, hoping they will get the democracy they deserve. I'm nervous about a transitional government with good reason in my opinion. All people deserve to be free to make the choices and decisions that suit them. It is my belief that government should not legislate morality. That is up to each individual. On that note, I bid you a good week--one filled with Signs and Wonders of your own. Comments are closed.
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