Science Fiction, Quantum Theory, Superposition #sciencefiction #quantumtheory #superposition8/15/2016
More fun stuff about physics! I hope you stay awhile.
Bible Comparisons As I've said before I love physics. Most people do not see the close resemblance physics has to the Bible, but it's there. All you have to do is look. No. I am not kidding. Think about this if you will: Quantum Theory suggests Quantum particles can pop through distances without going through space AND they can change their (for simplicities sake) appearance to evade detection. Which to me, makes a great case for intelligent design. Explain that in randomness to me. I will listen. I love this Bible verse: Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which appear. Or you can put it this way: Through faith we know the worlds were framed by God. The things we see are not made of the things which appear. Which they are not. A chair is not simply a chair even if we see it that way. Nor is anything else on earth. If you were leaving behind an instruction book to people of present and future generations wouldn't you encode it with material only the future could understand while addressing the needs of the current population? Corinthians 15:41 There is one glory of the sun, another for the moon, and another glory of the stars, for one star differs from another star in glory. When we look at the sky we see stars and a few planets. Everything about stars and planets look the same. Stars twinkle, planets do not. The end. Once in a great while we might see a comet or an asteroid. Certainly in biblical times everything looked the same. Yet, we are told, there is one glory for the sun, the moon, the stars, and one star differs from another star in glory. On faith they took it to mean there is a difference to all things even if it is not provable at that point in space and time. Job 28:25 He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing. That's a pretty good description of where earth hangs. Superposition The principle of superposition claims that while we do not know what the state of any object is, it exists, in actuality, in ALL POSSIBLE states simultaneously, as long as we don't look at it to check. It the checking that causes the object to be limited to a SINGLE possibility. Source Think about it this way: Reality is only real when we look at it. If we don't look at it then the object is in a state of flux until we do. Kinda gets your anxiety going doesn't it? The Double-slit Experiment You have a piece of cardboard you are going to shine light through. In front of the light and the cardboard is a photographic plate. Cut two slices in the cardboard to shine the light through. Cover one slit and shine a flashlight through the cardboard. What happens? Exactly what you think: Light goes through one slit and not the other leaving a white line on the photographic plate. Aha! But what happens when you shine the flashlight through BOTH slits? You would expect to see two slits of light recorded on the photographic plate. Not. Instead, the photographic plate is separated into MULTIPLE lines of lightness and darkness because the photons run into the Uncertainty Principle. Each photo moves in a superposition of possible trajectories because there is no one there to measure the photon to collapse it to a single position. I told you physics is fun! Crazy? You bet. What a fantasmigorical world we live in. Some speculate that whatever we think MUST occur in an alternate reality. Why? Energy is never lost, it just changes position. I know this has happened to multiple people when I say that no one remembers a memory perfectly. If you ask each person to remember what happened, even though you all experienced it together, everyone will get something wrong. If the group doesn't know about the Uncertainty Principle, each person will insist their memory of the incident is the correct one. Since it has been proven that we are all right. Just explain the principle and poof, all arguments are solved. For a sci-fi writer this opens up even more worlds to be explored. For now, however, I am left contemplating my coffee cup and thinking about it turning into a bar of gold. I mean, if the thought exists, so does the act, somewhere, sometime, someplace. Comments are closed.
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