The definition of bigotry is this: Intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
I try not to get controversial on Facebook, but sometimes I get sucked in. A friend posted a remark about how he, as an older white man, is considered a bigot when he isn't and never has been. Another friend posted a ripping retort that of course he is a bigot and that bigotry has been going on for hundreds of year and that's why Caucasians have lost moral authority and that's why we have to pay. Well, that set off a spark in me that went off like fireworks. I have a bad tempter when it comes to injustice. I feel things strongly and when people start dissing those that have no reason to be dissed it gets under my skin. I mean this is AMERICA right? What the hell is going on? I have mix-raced grandchildren and I would never consider myself a bigot under any terms. Each person has a right to their own opinion. However, do not make such broad generalizations against people whose only difference is the color of their skin. (Sound familiar?) If black people hate white people for being white that's bigotry and if white people hate black people because they're black that is bigotry. Take out the black and throw in some Chinese, take out the Chinese and throw in some Hispanics. I thought we had moved beyond this type of rhetoric. It is sheer idiocy to believe that people today need to pay for wrongs done a hundred and fifty years ago unless their wealth was made by owning slaves. Then there is an argument for reparations. Good God I pity my husband and boys. They are the kindest and most gentle people I know and they take great offense at being called bigoted. I doubt that any of our friends would consider us so. I don't like what's happening in our country. There is a divide and I'm not sure who put it there. I am no fan of the police, read my book, Innocent Blood and no, it is not about vampires. I hate authoritarian regimes and dictatorships for what they do to the human spirit. Do people not think for themselves nowadays? I mean come on! I don't care if gay people get married they deserve the same rights as those that do. It is not my place or yours either to judge anyone. However, if churches lose their non-profit designation which will surely happen once one of them refuses to marry a gay couple, that will make a mighty good and new source of taxation. Could the ruling have been politically motivated? Hell, I don't know! I have enough trouble figuring out my own mind much less the governments. This world is hard enough as it is without piling wrong doings on peoples heads that had nothing to do with the past. Come on children, move along. But I'll be damned if I'm going to hang my head because I was accidentally born white. Although my DNA says I have a lot of Jewish blood in me. But that's another story. And to tell you the truth I really don't care. I just wanted to find out because Crohn's disease is common in those with Jewish ancestry. Hate me if you wish, love me if you can, tolerate me if possible. Isn't that why we are Americans? How boring if we were all the same, but for heaven's sake, please stop spreading the idiocy. We are ALL Americans. Now go out and act like one. 7/4/2015 01:48:22 am
I do not tolerate differences. I celebrate them.
7/4/2015 02:12:35 am
I agree. I just hate it when children are hurt. Comments are closed.
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