I was all set for a beautiful day. The sun was shining, we had hope our air conditioner would be fixed soon, we even believed that the refrigerator was going to be miraculously saved. The heat wave had done some major damage to anything that had a motor in it when the air conditioner failed. The heat had finally broken and it was a beautiful 88 degrees. We could even open the windows.
I headed off to work with such happiness. When I arrived, I had so much energy I set to work cleaning the office. We'd received some new furniture and the old stuff was going to be put into the storage area. I was a little leery about the boxes but my co-worker thought they would be fine where they were so I commenced with unloading boxes and storing the innards onto shelves. Now, at least, I could figure out where things were. Finally, I was done. Boxes were labeled put on shelves and the only thing left to do was vacuum. I picked up the very last piece I needed to store when the steel sign dropped out of my fingers. I had the presence of mind to think: this is not going to end well. The metal sheeting, which weighs quite a bit, hit, and I immediately prepared myself for pain that didn't come. I left the sheet in the storage room and ran into the office, stuck my foot up on a chair, and examined the wound through my open-toed shoes. Humph. Tendons and bone. Crap. I grabbed some paper towels and wrapped up my foot while my co-worker stood around asking me what he should do. I didn't have time to explain, this was a dirty and dangerous condition for a foot and a Crohn's patient. I grabbed my keys and ran into the parking lot, not stopping until I got into my car. Since it was my right foot, I thought I might have trouble driving, but adrenalin took over as it always does. The Emergency Room nurses quickly triaged me. The foot was stabilized, cleaned, and bound up, but I would have to wait to see a doctor for stitches. Eventually, all was done and I still didn't feel much pain. Isn't it odd how that happens? I stayed home on Tuesday but went back to work on Wednesday, still with very little pain. I thought it was odd, but what the heck, it might look bad, but at least it didn't hurt. Until today. I woke up this morning to toes that are tingling and singing and screaming. Although the metal sheet hit the top of my foot which should be black and blue, the area in-between my toes is black and blue and in some places red. I started to wonder if I didn't remember the battle with the metal monster correctly. How can that happen? Why are my toes black and blue and the tendons on the other side of my foot hurt more than the ones that were injured? God, I hope they are not still sleeping. Sadly, there will be no swimming for me over the 4th of July weekend and I love to swim. However, I need to be in good shape for Hawaii at the end of the month so I have to be good and not cheat. Really, I have to be good. Good, good, good. If I say it often enough perhaps I will be. Needless to say, writing hasn't been top of my list for the last few days and I let my blog slip. I did spend some time on the Affordable Care Act and you can read the article by clicking here . Thanks to all for dropping by and have a happy and wonderful 4th of July. Oh, did I mention we have to wait another week before we get our new air conditioner? However, our refrigerator is humming along quite nicely. We found a pound of hamburger over the cool air vent and after a 24 hour defrost it is back to working. Some things do turn out right. Comments are closed.
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