Dear Louann,
Thank you for your comments. We share your concerns. Here are two wonderful websites that are trying to keep a focus on the oil spill and to tell the truth, so this country doesn't forget what is happening. Please share with all, and encourage others to send in pictures of the spill and its effects: As soon as I received this comment I headed over to the web pages above and looked about, seeing in some cases, things I've never witnessed on the news including pictures of wildlife in flight with oil coating their wings. As BP edges toward their objective, I wonder if we will ever know the truth. So many things have changed in the world that I now doubt the congresspeople voted into power, to serve and protect the American people as well as the corporations that sustain us by providing jobs. That cannot be healthy for any of us. If we the people don't log the events happening, I fear our children and our children's children will never know the truth about the Gulf Oil Spill unless something cataclysmic occurs. It is imperitive that your experiences be logged so that future generations will understand the truth behind what is happening. The news blackout smacks of propaganda riveling the Nazi era. I don't understand why reporters aren't more aggressive in their search for the truth, and why scientists are not allowed FREE access to the spill site itself. Please don't give me any hogwash about the dangers. I know I would take the risk if I were closer to the area. I'm sure there are many more like me. View: for more on the spill you are not aware of. On another note, it is with great relief that the people in Fremont are rising up to stop drug dealers in their neighborhoods. After fighting this war on several fronts, it felt so WONDERFUL to discover a group of people committed to salvaging their community. So, thank you. Your e-mails are much appreciated and if there is anything else I can do, just let me know. I still don't understand why law enforcement allows a drug dealer to stay on the streets for over 20 years, dealing drugs to our children. It will never make sense to me and the lives destroyed are mind-boggling. Law enforcement and drug dealers should be held accountable equally. Lastly, my littlest granddaughter was born last week one minute after my two-week old grandnephew was buried. The sadness and joy both experiences brought were at times, mind-numbing. Since it is hard right now to keep a proper balance, I give thanks I can write. My books as well as my personal life, chronicle my search into the unknown, desperately seeking answers to the questions I so often ask of God and myself. Comments are closed.
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