I had the best time rewriting this story. My gkid Allison made me read the Underwear Zoo like a billion times while she was staying at our house. I finally asked her if she wanted her own book. When she said yes, I asked her how long she was willing to wait to get it. She replied angelically, "Tomorrow?"
I knew I was in trouble. I dusted off the Journey series and rewrote The Gathering of the Winds with her as the supporting character. Then I need a boy's name. I quickly discovered nine year old boys are not big on the kid book genre. In fact, they put their hands on their cheeks and run screaming NOOOOOOOOO around the room. I eventually settled on an Indonesian name that means inconquerable. The reluctant gkid's mom grew up in Indonesia so I thought it appropriate. I love the blurb: Above the earth and beyond the clouds lies the City of Wind. It is a special place where winds are born and named. In the City of Wind, a small breeze learns how to become a gust and a gust a gale. Time comes in snurs and snips—a snur being more like a human month. This is Allison and Aanjay’s story. Allison is a warm dry breeze that hopes to flow down the side of a mountain someday. Aanjay supposes that his mountain might be in South Africa, or maybe Indonesia, or South America, or even North America if possible. Allison and Aanjay have rather lofty goals, but before either of them can become a part of earth’s winds, they must first make a choice and as everyone knows, choosing is hard. TGOTW is about making choices. It is also about misunderstandings. Lastly it is about acceptance. It is difficult to give your power over to someone else, but sometimes we have to in order to become greater than we already are. Here is the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1530255384/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1458586789&sr=1-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=The+gathering+of+the+winds+louann+carroll#productDescription_secondary_view_div_1458587719908 I hope you enjoy the story. Comments are closed.
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