I love fall. I love the cooler weather, the changing leaves, and the crisp air.Except right now I'm sitting in an air conditioned office, freezing my twankies off. That's what happens when you share space with someone else.
Authors share space with tons of other authors. Some are good, some are great, and some are cranky. It all depends on what mood we're in. If you read a novel carefully you will discover personality traits that share space with the authors that created them. Emotions continuously play into our writings whether we want them to or not. Kate Kelly in Gemini Rising is an example of a normal person beset with abnormal difficulties. Her personality encompasses all the emotions necessary to make her a real live person instead of just a paper person thrown in to take up space. Kate is as real to me as my kids. I know what she likes, coffee, and what she hates, vegetables. Kinda like me. She suffers from anxiety attacks too. So does Kellyn in A Shadow of Time. Anxiety has been the bane of my existence for as long as I can remember. Kate and Kellyn are also optimists, even when confronted by insurmountable odds. That personality quirk has saved me on countless occasions. I believe things will get better, even when disbelief by others smacks me in the face. So if you want to know how real people handle unreal circumstance, take a gander at Gemini Rising and A Shadow of Time, due out in Winter 2010. I think that you too will be surprised by how my characters overcome adversity and stand strong even when others are against them. In a real, tangible way. Comments are closed.
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