That's Agatha Christie. She's a rescued Fox Terrier who had more litters than she should have had. She's a good dog, who suffers with asthma and allergies for which she has her inhaler and allergy pills. Bella is our black lab who suffers with glaucoma and is down to one eye. Both dogs are not the healthiest of animals, but they could not be loved more than they are. I inherited these animals when a friend died. At first, we weren't sure we would keep them as they had so many physical problems, but like all animals, they wormed their way into our hearts and we can't imagine life without them. We haven't taken a dogless vacation since we adopted them more than 3 years ago. We have gone overnight when one of he grands can stay with them or we take them with us. Six months ago we decided to go to Hawaii with the kids and grandkids. We all have dogs and none of us are kennel users. Until today that is. Scrappy, a terrier beagle mix, who belongs to the youngest son and family, and Bailey, a boxer mix who belongs to the older son and family, will head off today with Agatha and Bella to Empire Kennels in Grass Valley. We chose this kennel because it is run by our vet, who is right next door. If any of the dogs get sick, Dr. Tim is there to see to their care. We made sure that Scraps, Aggie, and Bella will share one kennel and Bailey will be next door. Bailey is a bit big and young to share a kennel with the other older dogs. But, that's not why I'm writing this blog. I really had no idea how depressed I was going to be at leaving them. I've been running around the house, yelling, "This doesn't mean I don't love you. I do. I promise we will be back next week." I've seriously become a mad woman and the husband is no better. I cannot count the times he bends over, pats their head and tells them he loves them. Yesterday, we discussed how we assign emotions to our dogs. Our eldest son believes Bailey has a genius level IQ. "Mom. You don't understand. Bailey is self-aware. She knows what is going on." "Scrappy is depressed. He knows something is up," claims my daughter-in-law. While we, on the other hand, are sure our dogs are going to be suicidal. What will they do when their 9 pm snack of low fat turkey doesn't show up? What about their 2:30 feeding? They are not used to being fed at 5:00. Aggie needs constant reassurance that someone loves her and Bella, what about her eye? What if she is in pain? We were so freaked out, we rushed Bella to the specialist on Friday just to make sure she was healthy enough to stay in a kennel. The specialist laughed and told my husband to relax. We have Bella on a strict schedule of 6 different meds that have to be given at specific times each day and we must communicate those instructions to the kennel technicians. Now if that's not stress I don't know what is. Aggs likes to sleep on the couch or in bed right next to me. Bella is more independent as she just lays by my feet and on the floor on either sides of our bed, depending on who gave her food last. Both dogs are loves. They don't run or bark or get in the way, unless you count tripping you in the middle of the night on your way to the refrigerator. Both dogs are older so they don't have a lot of energy, but they do know when it's time for their daily walk as the tend to sit by the front door until their leashes are taken out. Aggie also suffers from old dog vestibuler disease. This means her head is chronically tilted and her tongue hangs out of her mouth when she pants. To me, she is the most beautiful dog in the world in spite of her bad breath. However, I have caught myself saying, "Aggie! Put your tongue in your mouth or people won't take you seriously."
Which, even to me, is ridiculous. Still, I have caught myself saying it several times now. Bella, with one eye removed is a celebrity in the neighborhood. Children find her precious and have no problem petting her and telling her how beautiful she is. Adults, on the other hand, tend to shy away. I worry her feelings will get hurt if they don't show her the respect she deserves. How would you like to have your eye cut out? I think before I even drop her off. I need to relax. I am sure they will not discriminate against her. I was up at 5 am today to make sure I can spend as much time with them as possible. I will walk them, even bathe them, because, well, I want them to smell nice. I know, I know, I know, they will be in a kennel. Damn. Still, it's what a good pet parent will do. Comments are closed.
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