I love Halloween. Not so much the day, but the fact that I get to watch all my black and white favorites of Frankenstein, Dracula, Bride of Frankenstein, The Haunting. Weekend before last we had a monstrous thunder and lightning storm and we shared it with The Haunting which, if you haven't seen it, you need to. Yes it is old and yes it is in black and white and no it does not have blood and guts everywhere. The Haunting is a classic everyone who reads and writes ho9rror needs to see. That said, today I am introducing you to Maer Wilson's latest novel Apocalypta Z. (I can't wait to read it! Hint hint) Blurb First - meteors. Now - zombies. Ninety-nine percent of humans and animals have become zombified, leaving the rest scrambling to survive. Maddie Worthing and Nick Stanton are among the few not infected. They’re gathering survivors and doing what they can to preserve life in their isolated desert town. Joined by the remaining townspeople and a few scientists, they search for a way to make it through the apocalypse. The key to humanity’s continued existence may lie within the mystery surrounding Maddie’s puppy. But they need to survive the roving gangs, crazy scientists and troublemakers within their own ranks in order to discover it. "Not since World War Z have zombies been presented in such a unique light. Give Wilson some props, and her little dog too." Danielle DeVor, Author of Sorrow’s Point Most Helpful Customer Review By Kris on October 10, 2015 I have to say this was a refreshing light zombie novel. No gore or horror in this so a tween/teen can easily read this safely. While Maddie and Nick are the main characters it's really the dogs that run the show! Cienna and Chloe I have to say are my favorite characters and for sure have some tricks they know that come in handy ;) Don't want to give away any surprises but this novel is full of twist that you wouldn't typically see in a zombie book. I loved it! There's one lovely scientist that's rather annoying in this book as well, lol. This is a fantastic zombish book that is full of twist and surprises. I'm quite impressed with it as a whole. This is a must read for anyone who loves unusual/zombies/and even dogs ;) Buy Link or copy and past into your browser: http://www.amazon.com/Apocalypta-Z-Maer-Wilson-ebook/dp/B016CYE6GQ/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8#customerReviews After a successful career being other people, and later teaching others the many tricks of that trade, Maer Wilson has decided to be herself for a while. Turns out she's a writer. She's always loved stories, especially fantasy, mystery and sci fi. Maer was born in the Year of the Dragon and has a dragon-themed room in her home, but sadly no dragons in the back yard. When she's not writing, Maer plays online video games, teaches college and reads. She also co-hosts the literary podcast MythBehaving. Maer lives in the high desert of Southern Nevada with her three dogs, a chihuahua and two poodles.
Maer is the author of MODERN MAGICS, a series that chronicles what happens when magic returns to present-day Earth. There are currently three books in the series: RELICS, PORTALS, and MAGICS. There are also four prequel novelettes. Congratulations Maer! Comments are closed.
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