Prelude to Darkness is a paranormal romance with a tragic ending when Margaret meets (by trickery) Prince Edward--a man she has coveted for years. It is a short story of passion and consequences, based upon characters in the Wasteland series. (Which I am currently finishing.) Even though I knew before buying Prelude to Darkness that it was a side story to the series, I dropped right into the action without missing a beat. I felt sympathy for Margaret, a poor servant girl who wants nothing more than to better her life. And what girl doesn't want to meet a prince? Even if he turns out to be someone other than she thought. Throw in a woman who betrays Margaret to the darkside and you have a short novella that will wet your appetite for Lynn Rush's Wasteland series. Rush has a remarkable way with words. She supplies a thrust to her craft that propels you into other believable worlds that are fully fleshed. Her technique is gifted, her ability to portray her characters, even in a short story so well, is nothing short of genius. Prelude to Darkness is well worth your time and at .99 it is more than worth the spare change in your wallet. The novella reads fast, almost too fast, it's over before you want it to be, and the ending leaves you pondering life and the consequences that come with it. I don't know Lynn personally, but felt she had more to say in this short story than some people do in a lifetime. I recommend reading Prelude to Darkness before the Wasteland series if you possibly can. If not, it certainly stands on its own. *hugs* Louann Comments are closed.
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