Just so you know, I hate posting bad news about Crohn's and its effect on me. What I would like to say is that there is a cure! However, it doesn't seem like I'll ever go into remission and it's possible a cure won't come in my lifetime, but you asked me to talk about it, so here I am. Faithful as always to any and all requests from readers. *grin* Each day/week/month/year brings a new complication.Over the weekend I started having these spasms that go from my chest, into my throat, and then into my jaw. I'm all for ignoring pain, but when it reaches a 10 you have to do something. *frown* I am talking #10 on the pain scale of which 10 is the highest. When this pain/spasm hits you can't talk, gag, or swallow. The only thing that interrupts the spasm is to stand up, walk around, and wait for the burp to follow. Once I burp, the pain, and the spasm goes away. *sigh* I read all the stuff about how a heart attack can give you these same symptoms so I'm already scheduled at the cardiologist's office next Wednesday for a stress test. Obviously a burp won't end a heart attack, but hey, we have to be sure, right? The other possibility is that I have GERD. That's when you have too much acid in your stomach and it gets into your esophagus making it spasm. I had about 7 of these episodes (all in one day) and I did notice some acid stuff going on. I also had a blockage (and the nausea that comes with it) that finally moved out on Tuesday. Damn the corn chips and football. The game isn't the same without snack foods. In addition, my stomach hasn't been doing well. It has become very picky about what it wants. For the last week I've been mildly nauseous and the amount of food I can eat has dwindled. So, the other possibility is that Crohn's has invaded my stomach/esophagus. *throws up her hands* OK my blog. Honestly is always best. YES I ATE A HANDFUL OF PEANUTS THIS MORNING KNOWING IT WAS NOT A GOOD THING TO DO. But in my defense it was small, easy, and full of protein. *slams head on desk* And now, I have indigestion, acid burn up my throat, and I just burped up a complete peanut. You see, I had to eat them before the intelligent part of me woke up. Even though they are a good source of protein for MOST PEOPLE, they are not for me. Damn... I thought I chewed thoroughly. This too, is a new symptom. This grab food before I can think issue. If any other crohnie has this happen to them here's a high five for ya. (I know it's out of style.) I think we get so inhibited on the food we can eat, there are times when we just react instead of think. Since my life is busy---oh hell--that's an excuse. I really need to be more careful because now I can't eat anything for lunch since my stomach is so upset with the peanuts. That will make my sugar crash. *trots off to take reading* 81--not bad--should eat--can't. Why, I want to know, did I get every single bad gene in the family? My DNA must look like road-kill! I figure I must have been some sort of king or queen in a past life where I starved people to death. *tosses back an antacid* The good news is, I'm just finishing my last read of Gemini Rising, book two, before it goes to the editor. There were times I wasn't sure I'd ever finish the novel, much less A Shadow of Time. (see link above) I am fortunate that I have a sit down job. If I worked at Walmart I'd of been off on disability a year ago. Seriously, I don't know how you guys do it with full time jobs that require intense concentration or physical movement. The thyroid replacement pill is working--I do have more energy. My sugar is under control--not that it was that high to begin with, but the doc figured with all my other problems it was better to be safe than sorry. Once I get the cardiologist out of the way it will be back to my gastro doc to figure out what's going on in my throat. Oh, joy. That will brings lots more tests. I can hardly wait. *sigh* I've been married forever to my childhood sweetheart, yet there are times I wonder if he doesn't grow weary of me and my constant physical challenges. Poor man has to constantly reassure me. I don't bother my friends with my problems--well--just one--but she's been my best buddy forever. I don't know what I'd do without her. Then there's my daughter who has UC. She hates me for the genes she received, too. *raspberry* That's it for this week. Hopefully, next week will see Gemini Two off to its new home and I'll start work on the last book in the series. Have a great day and try to keep out of the chocolate. (((hugs))) Louann
1/24/2013 06:24:54 am
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