Hello! Welcome to Crohn's Chronicles my every Thursday Crohn's blog that most people probably skip reading. Well, unless you have Crohn's. Today, I'm talking food. We all know food can make our life-partner, Crohn's, worse. And of course, most of the foods that make me ill are my favorites, such as: 1. Dairy and this includes ice cream 2. Sugary foods and this includes my beloved frozen chocolate chip cookies 3. Fresh fruits and vegetables that are not juiced. 4. Meat unless it's cut up very small and chewed thoroughly. 5. Anything deep fried or oily. Since that leaves out most foods, I'm pretty much stuck with rice, noodles, and a variety of juices. Generally, I stick to my low residue diet but will throw caution to the wind on occasion. How do I determine when to throw away caution? I don't. My body does. I simply crave things and when those cravings hit there isn't anything this side of heaven that can stop me. I have been known to grab a hunk of chocolate cake right after my husband lectures me about the evils of sugar. Seriously, I will bypass foods that appeal to me for days, even weeks. Then, out of nowhere, something arises in me. Something evil, a power that will not be denied. It screams: I want! That shortly turns into I will and then, if I'm lucky and it's just a passing fancy that one bite, bar, bowl, smidgeon of chocolate, will leave me satisfied. If I'm not lucky, it might turn into a three day feeding fest, during which I will finally come to my senses forced to face the consequences of a bloated belly and fever. Once again, I will cry off all foods that bother me, only to rinse and repeat a few weeks later. I'm sure there's a physiological reason for this behavior, but right now I'm too busy researching angel hierarchies to figure it out. If anyone wants to save me time by letting me know what it is, that would be so nice. While researching angels, I was side-tracked by physics. Quantum physics to be exact. It is one of my favorite subjects as it deals with the building blocks of matter. Check this out: Basically, the article says that once you make photons interact physically (called entangled photons), they become connected and stay connected for the rest of their lives no matter how far away they are from each other. That said, if you interact with one of the these photons after they become connected, the opposite photon will react to that interaction even if they are hundreds of miles away.
The technical term is spooky action at a distance. Coined by none other than Albert Einstein. If it is true that the observer directly affects the observed, then I shall spend the rest of the day contemplating my navel, instructing my belly to heal thyself. Well, either that or I'll step sideways into another dimension where Crohn's no longer exists. Just my thoughts for today. Now back to contemplation and writing the third book in the Gemini series. (((hugs))) Louann Comments are closed.
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