If I could describe one thing that will set off a flare it is stress. I take this disease seriously, but the one thing I have no control over is what happens in my life. The only control I do have in a stressful situation is my reaction to it. Now, I've been in therapy. I know how to meditate and I know my triggers. I know how to breathe right and I know what positions to keep my body in to maximize my breathing so I don't hyperventilate. But sometimes, there's nothing you can do. You just have to live through it. Here are some stress busting techniques that work for me.
1. I accept it. I don't fight it. I realize that things are the way they are and this too shall pass. 2. I allow myself some space. I know I can't eat chocolate as it bothers me, but I allow myself a little just because it is a treat I rarely have. 3. I take a hot bath. Silly really, but it works. I even light a few candles. 4. I allow myself a little Bailey's over ice. Just a little because I'm dairy intolerant. I sip just enough to taste it and somehow it is enough. 5. I tell the truth. If you want my opinion I will give it to you as I see it. Sometimes that doesn't set well with other people, but if you start with little white lies to make others feel better, you're just adding fuel to the fire. Best to say it like it is rather than sugar coat it. 6. Comfort carbs. I'll make a potato. Maybe even fry up a few. Or a tablespoon of potato salad. Whatever is delightfully decadent to me at that moment. As much as I love ice cream it is the one food I cannot do. Not even with the pills. Makes me frightfully sick. I did go through several packs of M&Ms. Not hyping the candy, but it works. 7. Walk. I paced several miles at a hospital recently. Up the stairs and down the stairs. It helps. 8. Remember you are human. You are fallible. Don't judge. Be yourself. You'd be surprised how freeing that is. 9. If someone tells you you can't use their restroom. Demand it. They'll give it to you. Trust me. 10. I learned to let go of the embarrassment of vomiting and having diarrhea while in a public stall. Can't imagine what the other person was thinking but if they'd asked, I would have educated her. I think what it all boils down to is to stop being embarrassed by this disease. I get that it is gross and no one wants to run around with a belly that announces you to the world before you even get there. But, it beats the alternative. Just sayin'. Stress Comments are closed.
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