Changes in the consumption of western foods has Japan wondering if new eating habits are the cause of the (projected)rising Crohn's disease rate. They attribute the (projected) rise to sugar and fat of which the Japanese are now consuming in record amounts. In fact, Crohn's is spreading across the world rising everywhere cheap processed goods are available. Many low income families here and elsewhere think they have no choice but to buy cheaper processed foods, but it isn't true. Throw away the chips, the ice cream, the processed meat and cheeses and replace theme with fruit, antibiotic free meat, and vegetables and you will save on your grocery bill and feel so much better.
Processed food isn't food. It was, but then various chemicals are added to allow crackers, cereal, cookies, chips and so on to sit on grocery store shelves for long periods of time. Real food spoils. It take processed food a long time to go bad. It is said that up to 70% of all the foods we eat are processed and by processed I mean chemicals are added. Most processed foods are high in fat, sugar and fructose. They are 'empty calories'. Since I decided to give up the junk food my triglycerides have decreased by half and the diabetes I had is now gone. My numbers are so good my doc said that actually, I am no longer even prediabetic. I am diabetes free. Does it take self-sacrifice to achieve the goal? It does. If diabetes were the only thing wrong with me I might sneak a few more bites of chocolate since it is my favorite food. However I have multiple issues and if they all get out of whack at once I will be putting myself into danger. I want to play with my gkids and am hoping for some great gkids somewhere down the line. I am not ready to leave this planet yet. Watching my brother die was, aside from losing my brother-in-law, the most traumatic thing I have ever experienced. He refused to give up smoking, he refused to take his diabetes medication and his blood pressure medication. He died a slow and painful death of one stroke after another until his body could no longer sustain the damage. All of it could have been avoided and the pain his family suffered could have been alleviated if he'd taken the warnings from his doctor seriously. He didn't which is his right, but there is one thing I don't think he took into consideration; what his actions did to other people. The pain and suffering to family members has been overwhelming. I started taking care of myself because of what his actions were doing to me and others in his family. I decided to get my blood sugar under control because he cared so little about his. I watch my blood pressure closely because I cannot do what he did and that is to place myself, my wants and desires first, above those I love. If I do have a stroke, my family will know that I did what I could to make my passing better for them. Not necessarily for me. Since there are so many things going on in this body I've rented, I now look at it as an ongoing science experiment. So what was in my food that made me sick? Some studies say many diseases like Crohn's and diabetes are related to emulsifiers. Emulsifers are added to processed foods to promote texture and shelf life and are found in ice cream, white bread and a host of processed foods. About a year ago, I gave up all sugar. I do cheat, but it is hardly worth mentioning. There is a noticible difference in how my digestion fairs when sugar is not in my diet. I have no symptoms of gastritis no ulcers or itis' in the dueodeum. Aside from the occasional flares I am pretty good. I don't know and don't really think, but I am not yet convinced that giving up most processed foods has cured Crohn's disease. I still have issues but they are nowhere near as bad as they were a few years ago. There are days I am out of commission but I do bounce back quicker. I still suffer with bouts of extreme exhaustion and I am exercise intolerant. However, I am not giving up and I can now walk .5 miles each day. It isn't a lot, I know and I have no idea why I am intolerant, but I am trying. That is the most important part. I do know this: eating a clean diet has done wonders for my physical body. If a stray chip finds its way onto my plate I will eat it. But just one. It is remarkable how easing the demanding nature of a carbohydrate high can be solved with just one bite. One little ok chases the spector of an eating binge far from my mind. In fact, I haven't had one since I gave up sugar. Is there a reason? I dunno. I just know it works for me. Comments are closed.
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