I seriously get a good gripe on when discussing children's issues. I have been known to throw a fit if someone doesn't agree with me. I can lob a glass of water or toss a dish, even get a Crohn's flare when people don't get what I'm talking about. Children are special. They are unique, innocent, and whatever happens to them will stay with them throughout their lives, coloring evertyhing they do until the day they die. Children of alcoholics, victims of abuse: mental and/or physical, etc. will go on to live their lives, but just imagine what they could have done had they had the support, love, and simple cherishing all children deserve. My Top Ten Rights for Children 1. The right to be born. Believe it or not, this does not refer to abortion. Abortion is a woman's right to choose. It is HER right until the baby is viable outside the womb. After that, it is not the doctor's right, the mother's right, or the father's right. Once alive, it becomes the child's right. Nowadays you can make that about four months gestational, though I wouldn't have a problem if it was made three months. If a woman/girl doesn't know she's pregnant by three months, we have another problem that needs to be addressed. 2. The right to special protection. After all, a child cannot protect him or herself. 3. The right to clean air, water, and sustainable food. 4. The right to medical care 5. The right to an open-minded education. 6. Freedom from discrimination 7. Freedom from enslavement 8. Freedom from arraigned marriages 9. Freedom from physical and mental abuse. 10. Freedom from fear Meet Nada Al-Ahdal. She is running from an arraigned marriage. Her story is not unusual, but the ability for us to hear how she feels in her own words is nothing short of remarkable. We can thank her uncle for giving her safe harbor. Really take a close look at the video. See the intelligence, the determination in her young eyes. This person will make a difference someday. If she lives to tell about it. Within the last few months, I had a bit of a rant on Middle Eastern women's rights on Facebook. I believe it is up to us to bring their issues to the world since they cannot. Many do not agree. One person stated it was none of our business and that we should not get involved. Another person said that it was up to the country to decide. Well, if women can't vote what's the point? Am I advocating all out war? Don't be silly. Hit the men where it hurts. In the pocket book. Find an alternative to oil, even frack for a time, whatever it takes to set these women and children free. Just this past week in Dubai, a woman from Norway who was raped by a co-worker was jailed for having sex outside of marriage. Unfortunately, she reported the rape to the Dubai police. Reminder to self: If in Dubai, do not call the police. Lucky for her, her country got involved and she was pardoned today. This has nothing to do with the UAE doing what's right. It is simple economics. Gotta keep the tourists coming in. Need I add that her rapist received less jail time than she did? You can't make this stuff up. I hate when people glorify Sharia law. It is a backward, archaic, nonsensical group of laws that violate women's rights. I know what you're thinking: it's none of our business. Perhaps you are right, but that won't stop the pain. Gaia, God, Goddess, Buddah, Allah, whatever you chose to call the universal intelligence hears that pain. We will suffer for it. (((hugs))) Louann Oh, and one must not forget the Blogger Book Fair that starts today. Here is the link: Venue: http://bloggerbookfair.blogspot.com/ Blogger Book Fair is a virtual event where authors come together to offer fun blog posts, giveaways galore and free and sale books! There is so much going on! This BBF features about 200 participants consisting of authors and book bloggers who are showcasing over 400 books! Comments are closed.
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