Thanks for the invitation to blog about my ABNA experience. I'm not a contestant this year, but I was an entrant in the first two ABNA contests. Though I never made the quarter finals, my experience in both contests resulted in big payoffs.
Despite my years, I've not been writing very long. I used the contest to give me feedback to develop and improve my skills as a writer. My romance novel, The Sisterhood Hyphen, went nowhere in the 2008 contest and I was washed out by March. But the time I spent editing my manuscript emboldened me to send out query letters. By September I had a request for the full manuscript. My spirits buoyed, I entered my historical novel into the 2009 ABNA contest. On the strength of my pitch I advanced to the second round. My prize, as you know, was the Amazon Vine reviews. Though I felt they were both great--A- and A+--I advanced no further in the contest. Was I disappointed? Yes. I really felt that my novel was definite quarter finals material, and I'd hope to make the semis. Even so, I was pleased that my 278 word "pitch" had made it through. From that contest, I learned how to write an effective "pitch." But, of course, there is more to my story. About ten days after James King won the 2009 ABNA contest, I received both an email and a voice mail from the Senior Acquisitions Editor at AmazonEncore. Of course, I had no idea what that was since had only announced the company's venture into publishing one week earlier. In August my novel was signed as an AmazonEncore publication. I am one of four authors plucked from the 6500 entrants in that contest whose books were announced on January 26, 2010. My book was released March 16th and my life has been a whirlwind ever since. Oh yes, that romance novel? It received two contract offers in April 2009 and is signed by one. To all the other ABNA entrants out there. This is one contest in which there are no losers. At the very least, you will hone your writer skills. At the very best, you can be signed by AmazonEncore. Francine Thomas Howard Author: Page From a Tennessee Journal AmazonEncore "This is a superb novel that has the ability to become one of a few published every decade that will become a classic. In addition to telling a wonderful story, it also educates the reader without moral preaching. Highly recommended." Frederick S. Goethal .. .Top 1000 Reviewer Comments are closed.
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