It isn't easy living with Crohn's disease. I've had it for so long that I don't even know what life is like without it. It is horrifically painful, always embarrassing, and can totally screw up your life with cancelled plans, unforgiving friends, depression, sleep depravation, and disabling fatigue. Crohn's makes your bones hurt, your muscles scream with pain, and on occasions headaches so severe that blowing your head off with a gun becomes an option. Yeah, really. There are days you can't get out of bed. Anxiety and panic become overwhelming until you are told you haven't any B12 in your body or Vitamin D for that matter. Or iron. Shall I go on? Once you are diagnosed you get to go on meds. Now there's a decision that can help you or kill you. They all come with side effects, cancer, blood diseases, hallucinations, bone diseases, dehydration, blah blah blah blah. And out of all this, they, meaning the Social Security Administration, believes you can hold down a full time job UNTIL you have your guts cut out. Yep, you have to have a surgery under your belt before they will even consider you. Never mind that those surgeries come with a pretty hefty price tag. So, we are asking the White House to consider putting Crohn's on its Compassionate Allowance List located here:’s-disease-ulcerative-colitis-its-compassionate/hKmNg13f To do this, we need SIGNATURES! *sob* As you can see we are a long way off from the number of signatures needed. Crohn's is a rare disease so we don't get a lot of support from the government or people in general. We don't have much time left to reach our goal, so please, take a little time today and sign our petition. (((hugs))) Comments are closed.
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