A Writer's Life Interrupted: How long does Prednisone take to work? #uc #ibd #crohnsdisease12/15/2017
I HATE Prednisone so when I'm begging the doctor for it I have to be really sick. Me: "I need Prednisone." Doc: "Are you taking Ulceris?" Me: "I need Prednisone now." Doc: What's going on?" Me: I gave him my list. Doc: OK." I started this morning at 60 mgs, the most I have ever taken. I was scared, but being sick was scarier. The pain had become overwhelming, at times so bad I moaned out loud, embarrassing myself. The other morning, I looked 9 month pregnant and the pressure of bloating was painful. Sticking to physician's orders, I spread the 60 mgs in two hour intervals and took my last one at 11:00 a.m. Just 15 minutes ago I had my first hunger pain in weeks. Relief at last. After losing 10 or so pounds in a month, I figured I was in real trouble, though it still amazes me that my husband didn't notice. I don't weight myself often, but I think I'm going to have to start. The weight loss startled me when I weighed in with the PA, but I suspect this issue will turn around rather fast. Right now, I have no pain and no temperature which has been running between 90-100 for days. Of course, my mind has accelerated to a mile a minute and my fingers are having trouble keeping up, but that's a small price to pay for a writer, unless this blog makes no sense, at which point I will have to stop. I haven't written a word in over 3 weeks. Just the thought of thinking was overwhelming. Now, my gray matter is chugging along, word after word. My brain is clear for the first time in weeks and other than feeling spaced out I don't have any agitation though I may feel it tomorrow. The plan is that I will stay on 60 mgs for 3 days then drop to 40 then 30 then drop in 10s to 5 at which point I will go 5 and done as long as there isn't any breakthrough Crohn's attack. This attack was comparable to the one I had 10 years ago. It sneaked up on me when I wasn't looking. The family has been in crisis mode since August, and I knew I was starting to get sick, but it was bearable and there wasn't any time to take care of me. Which, in retrospect, was stupid. Things just spiraled down from there and did a major landslide in the last few weeks. Truthfully, I haven't eaten in 7 days. I am TERRIFIED to eat. That is such a weird feeling to want to smell food, to want to grab food, but then your mind drops back to the latest attack and it screams: NO! That's when I realized I was in big trouble. I HATE going to the doctors. I hate talking (outloud) about Crohn's and I hate feeling vulnerable. I can do so much better typing than talking. Talking exhausts me unless it is to a cherished friend. Stress is my precursor. I know how to meditate, I know how to breath, and I know how to think positively though these abilities fail miserably when you are sick. The doc said Prednisone sometimes makes people feel agitated and angry while others feel euphoric. So far, I'm neither, but that could change at any moment. He also said that with the 60 mg dose I will have side effects though I am not committed to that either. The dreaded side effects 1. insomnia and mood changes--well, tonight will tell the story. 2. increased appetite--yay! I can't wait to eat! 3. acne--no way. 4. slow wound healing--I've been here before 5. headache, dizziness, spinning sensation--I do feel that. It isn't vertigo, just more of a don't move your head too fast kinda feeling. 6. nausea, stomach pain, bloat--well what the hell--but so far nothing yet. And so, I will GLADLY take the side effects rather than tumble back into misery, but who knows, I may feel differently tomorrow. #crohns #crohn's disease #ibd #ulcerative colitis
12/15/2017 03:05:05 pm
So sorry, Louann! I hope you are feeling better. If you don't get all the way well, don't worry as it sometimes takes time. I am such a fan of your books. Thank you for sharing them with us.
12/15/2017 03:20:11 pm
If you start forgetting things, don't be alarmed. It's normal. 60 is a lot of prednisone and I think it is the hiest dose. Be careful
12/15/2017 04:12:11 pm
Does putting the fresh bananas in the freezer count? :) I am careful, and really, although I am getting pretty tired now, today was the best I've felt in the last few weeks. I am grateful. Comments are closed.
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