There are many causes of fatigue when you have Crohn's disease accompanied with hypothyroidism. It's one of those non-specifics that accompany many autoimmune disorders and it's hard to put your finger on just one cause. Chronic fatigue can lead to many problems including but not limited to problems at work, school, driving, and even depression and/or anxiety. If you've ever experienced fatigue caused by either condition you know what I'm talking about.
Some fatigue issues related to Crohn's disease are the very medications we take to control it. Then there are the night sweats that wake you up because you are either hot and soaked in sweat or freezing. I can pull an extra blanket on and off multiple times each night. I tried keeping extra clothes under my bed for a quick change but generally I just argue with myself and the sleeping side wins sweat or no sweat. Inability to digest vitamins is also an issue. I need extra B12, Zinc, and Bs in general to feel halfway decent. I am forever forgetting my Zinc. The human body doesn't have storage for Zinc so I have to make sure I take it everyday. When I am feeling pretty good I often forget my vitamins until one day my hair starts falling out, irritability gets out of hand, and taste abnormalities appear. When ice creams tastes like mud you know you have a problem. But I digress. To beat fatigue you need iron, folic acid, and B12 to generate red blood cells that work. If you can't eat or digest the vitamins in food you have to take vitamins or get the B12 injections. Tackling fatigue is an effort in itself. I have arthritis because I inherited it and because Crohn's likes to inflame my muscles and joints when it flares. It is not unusual to find me moaning and groaning when I move around. Once I get going I am much better, it's the sitting still or laying down or sleeping that kills me. The pain has worsened over the years and if I don't have a pain killer in me before trying to sleep it is a lost cause. I am not supposed to take ibuprofen but I do anyway. It's the only thing that gives me lasting comfort. I have Tramadol for urgent pain but for the arthritis it's the ibuprofen even if it upsets my stomach. Lots of patients, myself included, don't want to take medication when in remission. That can be a mistake because going off medication and not treating flares can cause complications which increases fatigue. Crohn's and fatigue go hand in hand making the condition that much worse. Fighting fatigue includes making sure you get your vitamins, getting plenty of sleep (naps too) taking your medication as prescribed and exercise. Just as little as 30 minutes a day can make you feel better. I did a one mile walk on Saturday and I was so proud of myself. I find that if I am out in nature the walks go that much faster because I enjoy doing it rather than tackling my treadmill. If you are tired all the times, talk to your doctor about getting tested for vitamin issues right away. Remember to take your vitamins and your medications. If some of your medications have a side effect of fatigue tell your physician and maybe there might be something else to help you feel better. Hang in there.
Larry Clifton
2/2/2017 04:22:31 pm
I read your post on crohns because (you're great writer) and I have a relative who has had many operations and finally says, "no more!" He's only in his 50s and has a family, including three young adult children. I am hoping that emailing your blog to him will remind him he is not alone.
2/3/2017 11:06:08 am
Hi, Larry: Thank you for the compliment. I needed one today. Please tell your family member I will keep them in my prayers. Crohn's is a hard battle and sometimes I think if we could win the battle with fatigue the rest would be easy. Nah, not really. Please tell them I said hello and they can contact me anytime. Comments are closed.
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