I ran into the Jensen’s, a mother and son team, at the Nevada County Fair. My booth was right next to theirs and they were selling the Vitamix 5200 to anyone and everyone. Because I have Crohn’s, I was transfixed. I owe them an apology because I told them I’d talk about the Vitamix last week, but I was so sick I forgot. Both are professional and thankfully, kind. They shared their drinks with me because I have a Vitamix at home. Problem is it was given to me so I didn’t have the instructions. I quickly learned you put the ice in last and not first. No wonder the thing kept jamming on me. Crohnies learn that juicing and souping is a must when you have moderate to severe Crohn’s disease because there are times when you just can’t eat. Like right now—in my life—which sucks. I’m taking 40 mgs of Prilosec and it isn’t even cutting the acid so I supplement with other acid reducing pills. I see my regular doctor next Tuesday. Maybe I should have the hernia repaired because I’m not living with these esophageal spasms. They suck and I’m tired of crying. Enter juicing. At least my gut doesn’t have to work so hard to digest food. I get that I’ve moved into baby food, but I gotta eat something or I get a headache. I also have to be careful because I’m diabetic. Talk about a mixture of rotten issues to deal with. Sometimes I wonder if at some point in time, I won’t be able to address all the problems and that will be my last day on earth. I mean taken together, I have a few issues. So, I cried myself out last night and now I have to do something. I don’t know if you can overdose on Prilosec, but at this point, I don’t care. I am freakin scared of those waves of pain that last for hours and hours. And the pills the doctor gave me? Over the weekend, I have one memory of standing in the kitchen. I don’t remember what I was in there for, but I remember standing there. The pills lessen the pain, but don’t do away with it. I want these waves of agony gone. Back to the Vitamix. They are expensive. I wouldn’t go into hock for one, but if you can afford the mixer, it is worth it. I like that you can make soup, or a frozen delight, or a smoothie. I really like that you can throw spinach in the thing and you won’t even know it is there. If you and your kids hate veggies this is a great way to get the good stuff to go down. Here are some yummy recipes. Orange Sorbet Ingredients
All Green Smoothie Dietary Interest: gluten-free, low cholesterol, low fat, low sodium, no added sugar, raw foods, vegan, vegetarian Yield: 3 1/4 c (780 ml) Difficulty: Easy Total Time: 10 Minutes
I asked for permission to post their phone number and e-mail and the Jensen's happily complied. Feel free to contact them with questions. Mike Jensen 435-229-0297 or e-mail [email protected] Enjoy! (((hugs))) Louann I ran across this while looking up recipes for IBD. I too am a writer that suffers from IBD. I'm in the "fun" stage where they don't know if its UC or Crohns. I just recently bought a vitamix after loosing almost 60lbs within a few months. I've done research that shows people with IBD often commit suicide. A majority of this aside for the pain is the fact that you feel helpless. The only way you can control symptoms is to not eat. Until now. Like you Said, at least now our guts don't have to work so hard. Also you mentioned you have diabetes. I'm also a "medical mystery" with a grab bag of disease and problems. I've seen research that the gastric bypass can cure diabetes, and greatly aid crowns and UC. I know it sounds enormously drastic. In test rats te diabetes would disappear when they ha the gastric bypass, when the operation was reversed the diabetes would return. Most of the diahrrea prone sufferers have issue that begin in the small intestine. The small intestine doesn't properly digest the food, stealing nutriants and energy, then aiding in the horrid diahrrea Comments are closed.
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