A Writer's Life Interrupted #coverreveal #apocalyptic #geminirising #crohns #ibd #uc #newrelease10/29/2014 On Sunday, I found myself dreading the trip to the hospital on Monday for an infusion of Remicade. I tried to think it through, to see what, if anything, was bothering me. I finally figured it out when my sister-in-law said, "I hate going to work tomorrow." While everyone else was thinking about returning to their normal world, I was thinking about Remicade. It's an intravenous mouse protein that, when infused, stomps out the immune system. I need the drug to keep my Crohn's disease in check. Generally, I feel a little ill for a few days and then it is gone, leaving me feeling pretty darned good. I had been running a fever. It was around 100 on Saturday then it disappeared on Sunday only to show its face on Monday at about 99 degrees which really isn't much. I know when my fever gets up there. I start feeling twangy. It's a bizarre feeling and it is always accompanied by a spike in temperature. My dread came from the fever. The last time I had one I ended up with sepsis, again. However, my nurse wasn't too concerned. Everything started off well. With Remicade, they infuse you slowly due to the possibility you may have built up antibodies to the drug. I just get sick, it's a sickly sick, like when you have the flu. On the second attempt to up the dose it hit me. My heart started jack-hammering, I broke into a cold sweat, and the nausea was extreme. My stomach started doing the spastic thing and I just kept praying it would settle down and I wouldn't vomit or have an extreme panic attack with an IV attached to my arm. This lasted a good 15 minutes before I settled into my usual sick self. I think I had a solid panic attack accompanied by the usual Remicade malaise. I've had so many panic attacks over the years you would think they wouldn't be worth noticing. Yet, they always appear when I am at my weakest and they are ALWAYS noticed. Once I settled into my usual fuzzy-headed, nauseated, aches and pains, I realized I had to get the cover reveal out for my next book, Gemini Rising II, The Light and The Flame. I contacted my author friends who I hoped would host my new cover with the caveat that they must watch for typos and or irrational thoughts that came through on paper due to the Remicade flu. So far, so good. For as sick as I'm feeling, I do believe the cover reveal will take place this Monday. Yay! For putting up with my dissertation on Crohn's and Remicade, I am leaving you with the back cover blurb of book two, The Light and The Flame, while I take a quick nap. If you read Gemini Rising you will be VERY pleased with the first chapter of the book. (((hugs))) Blurb Ripped from her deathbed, Noah transports Kate to the Olam Yetzirah, the dimension where universes form. They seek the advice of the archangel, Michael, in how best to get back to Earth and their children. Kate’s son and their newborn daughter, Lucia, the one spoken of in the prophecy Gemini Rising, await their return. Trouble arises and concern ripples through the Olam. Kate is unable to make the transition from human to bond mate and her dreams of returning to Earth with Noah are crushed. Uriel will become Kate’s mentor while Noah is dispatched to Naresh, his home planet and to his people to whom the Light no longer speaks. Will Kate become the bond mate she is meant to be? Will Noah find welcome with his people or will they despise him for taking the Light from their souls. Most important of all, will the prophecy of Lucia be fulfilled, or will Belial, demon of Hades, murder her in a fit of jealous rage.
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