When I first began to study theoretical physics I thought I would never get through it all, if there is an all to get through. A little physics humor there. But when my grandsons began to question the existence of a creator, I knew my time spent studying a theory that was difficult to understand was worth the effort.
All of my books have spiritual undertones whether it be growth, faith, or just plain hope. There is always a protagonist who is evil and a hero and heroine who are good. But of course, if you are living on this planet, which most of us are, you know the world is rarely black or white. The problem with physics While physics can point us in the right direction, only faith can give scientists the extra oomph to ask the critical question: Does God exist? Do multiple dimensions exist where every thought and every action and reaction have existence? Only a leap of faith can take you there and the very fact that we can ask that question means, if all thoughts have consequences with actions and reactions, then all things we think exist. Henceforth, God is quite real because some scientists have already asked the question. If you start getting into the nuts and bolts like is God male or female then that means yes, God is both male and female, somewhere. And somewhere else, God is neither. God can be omnipotent and omnipresent, but if what we think comes into creation then God can also be singular. Throw that in with a bunch of misguided human beings and you might get a book like A Shadow of Time. Or not. If you like the paranormal and creepy haunted houses with a dark romantic twist, venture into the estate called Shadow Ley. *cue scary music* Shadow Ley is a mansion that transcends multiple dimensions. The house is inhabited by a djinn whose duty is to guard the portals of time. Problem is, this djinn is insane. Unfortunately, this has upset the dimensions in regards to my heroine Kellyn and her handsome protector, John. This insanity has even gone on to effect a time traveler and her daughter. I really can't give you any more information than that, except to say, you'll have to read the book. Blurb Consumed by a childhood filled with terror and pain, Kellyn O’Brien strives to create the perfect family. Instead disaster strikes and her husband is dead. Three weeks later she discovers her son is heir to Shadow Ley, a nineteenth century gothic mansion located in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Still reeling from Michael's death, Kellyn moves to Shadow Ley. Soon after her arrival the ordinary becomes the extraordinary: broken drinking glasses repair themselves and stair rails that were once old are now new. Suddenly Shadow Ley is not what it seems. She turns to the local historian and hears the tale of Shenahobet, the portal guardian and the Hutto-pah, a tribe of Native Americans related to the Maya. She befriends a physician who experiences visions of other times and places. Her dreams turn into nightmares with windows into alternate dimensions and the promise of life beyond death. Legends abound and so Shadow Ley, the home Kellyn had hoped would bring peace to herself and her children, becomes mired first in doubt then in terror and finally in love eternal. Buy link here. If you decide to buy a copy, I sincerely hope you enjoy it. If possible, please leave a review and say you saw the book on Twitter or on my blog. Thank you! Comments are closed.
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