I am so excited to have Groovy Lee on my blog today! Her latest release A Body Resurrected is sure to take the reading world by storm. Thanks so much for being with me today. So tell me, what inspired you to write A Body Resurrected? My daughter knows how much I love watching scary movies with monsters. We were watching a classic mummy movie one day, and she suggested, “Why don’t you write one?” The characters and plot-line began to form. A writer after my own heart. I am a classic horror movie fan. I own them all and watch them as often as the husband will allow. Don’t give away any secrets, but what’s your book about? It’s a Suspense/Sci-Fi/Romance about an evil serial killer from the planet Aut; two handsome bounty-hunters sent to apprehend him; and the strong women who are called upon to become their allies to help end his terror. The story begins in early Egypt and ends in present-day California. Oh, wow. That is awesome. So it is time-travel too. How did you come up with the title? It comes from a passage in the book. I would love to read and review A Body Resurrected. Do you have plans for a new book and/or is your book part of a series? I plan to release a new Romantic/Suspense in the fall. On average, how long does it take you to write a novel? Six months to a year. Same with me. Tell me, what do you think makes a good story? A plotline that keeps you glued to the pages; a protagonist you can root for; twists and turns you didn’t see coming; and last but not least, a very handsome romantic interest. All this without being gory, graphic, or assaulted by the “F” bomb. Oh heavens yes. There are way too many F bombs out there. Do you have a day job? I’m blessed to be able to write full-time. What is your work schedule like when you're writing? When I first start a book, I write it upstairs, at night, on my bed while Perry Mason is on television. When I get to the typing and editing part, it’s downstairs in the daytime, when no one is around and the house is very quiet. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing? Yes. The editing part where I have to read my manuscript over and over and over to get the story as near to perfection as I can. I think all authors hate that part. Do you work from an outline or just write? I write whatever my characters tell me to. I’ve learned not to argue with them. Too true! How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre? I’m still finding new avenues. But for now, it’s being active on Goodreads. My books get a lot of exposure because of the different forums I’m a member of; working with bloggers to help get you noticed; and hosting giveaways from time to time. I also have a magnetic car sign that gets a lot of attention. What a FABULOUS idea. I can see one on my car now. Fun Questions: If you were a car, what kind would you be? A sleek, black limousine. White wine or red? Red, with the screw-off tops. Coffee or tea? Coffee. My favorite brand is McDonald’s. But, I’m addicted to bottled tea. Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate. I’m this close to being an addict. Dogs or cats? Dogs, especially the huge ones. Sleep in or get up early? I’m a night owl, I don’t get up before eleven a.m., unless I have to. I absolutely hate having to get up early. BIOGRAPHY I was born in the deep south where the number four has two syllables. I somehow did not acquire that distinct Southern accent, but I am accustomed to expressions of "Yall", "Ain't", and when I'm really mad--"Ain't gonna!". I'm addicted to bottled tea and cooking shows; I also crochet and collect crystal. My best friend and Queen is my daughter who gets regular foot massages from me. My most favorite time of the year is tennis season. When the French Open, Wimbledon, and The US Open are airing, you can look for me, but you won't find me, unless you know where my 53" television is. I write Romantic/Suspense, Suspense, and wholesome, passionate love stories that deal with matters of the heart. No sexually graphic stories or one-night stands. If my stories bring a smile to just one person's heart, then I've done my job. That's what it's all about. Thank you so much for being here today. I really enjoyed your interview and meeting new people always makes me happy. I look forward to reading your book. To find out more about Groovy please visit the links below. Webpage: www.groovyless.com/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/Groovy-lee-295207320581698/ Amazon Author page: www.amazon.com/-/e-BOOBYD1VVO Comments are closed.
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