Brilliance is not a romance novel. It is part paranormal, part crime, and part sci-fi. It is completely great. To pre-order, click here. For a debut novel, this author hit a home run! Since the early eighties, some children in America are born with special gifts. As they grow older, they confound normal humanity. One man rips off the stock market, making billions of dollars. Others design software that bring the imagination to life. Their gifts enhance humanity, and the 'normals' soon realize the 'ab-normals' are needed. Yet, they are hated. Division naturally follows. The billionaire ab-normal sets up a city for others of his kind. This city has all the latest technology, the greatest games, and is populated only by the young. Within the city, ab-normals are not scorned and derided, but it is also a place where terrorists can hide. Nick Cooper, an ab-normal, works for DAR Equitable Services, division of the USA government. Divorced with two children who mean everything to him, he believes with all his heart and soul that the rise of ab-normal terrorists must cease. He uses his gift of 'patterning' to stop, and in some cases kill, other ab-normals. Cooper has long held the suspicion that his daughter is an ab-normal. If she is grade 4, she will be taken away and sent to a camp where she will be taught how to fit in with normal humanity. Nick knows these places are not what they seem, and makes a deal with DAR to bring down the greatest ab-normal terrorist in order to keep his daughter at home. (Back story that is good on its own.) Going underground, Cooper takes on the persona of a terrorist hoping to get close to the city and to other terrorist groups. Instead of uncovering a grand scheme to undo normal humanity, he discovers everything he believes in is not what it seems. Brilliance made me pull an all-nighter. I could not put the book down which hasn't happened since I reviewed Simon Toyne's two novels. The novel is well-written and well-edited. The story flows and even though I had an ARC, I could find few mistakes. Kudos to the writer for bringing a great entertaining novel to the reading public. Disclaimer: Advanced Readers Copy
4/23/2013 06:49:55 am
I was lucky enough to get an ARC as well. I really enjoyed the novel. Thought it a bit long though. Comments are closed.
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