Sometimes I feel all alone in the horror genre, at lease as far as female writers go. Still, it is my favorite out of all the genres. Part of the reason is my relationship with Crohn's disease. It is an ugly disease and kills far more people than you realize. It isn't the disease that gets you, it's the complications: malabsorption, short intestine syndrome, or cancer from one of the many drugs we have to take. One young man, just twenty years old, passed away a few days ago. His heart gave out and he died in his sleep at home. His body couldn't take the fighting anymore. One must make their peace living with Crohn's. My way, is to write horror stories. In A Shadow of Time, the entity that lives below the house is that same that lives in me. Kellyn is my optimistic self, but she is also terribly fearful and is forced to live with the entity because she has no place else to go. To find a solution to her problem she ultimately loses herself in order to find herself. There is more to A Shadow of Time than you read and those things will be explored in prequels and sequels one of which Crescent Moon Press is publishing. It is a wonderful thing to create your enemy and eventually kill it even if it is in a book. It gives you a sense of control, when control is the last thing you have. For now, Remicade is holding its own with me and Crohn's is in abeyance. I pray it stays that way. Some people stay on it 5, 10, 20 years, others, only a few months. I have no options left after Remicade and should I build up a tolerance, I will walk the dark path again. Today I am living, albeit in a sling until the rotator cuff in my shoulder heals from surgery, thankful for the time I have been given. Memorial weekend is upon us. I plan on sitting on the beach and soaking up some sun. I will have my family around me and I thank God for that. I will also remember those who have passed from Crohn's disease and complications from Crohn's. I will remember those who fought in wars, most especially my brother, a Vietnam Vet who came home scarred. Lastly, I will remember those family members that have gone on without me. I miss you and love you all. If God wills it will be some time before I see you again. Comments are closed.
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