For those of you who couldn't make the Muse Conference. Here's the class I posted: When writing science fiction, you must create a world that never existed. Your reader will follow you into a new dimension, where you are the creator of time and matter. It should be a completely alien space and you must convey that to your reader by making it believable. Some of the more simplistic approaches to world building are to ask the following questions: In Gemini Rising, Noah is quite human, except that he is able to sense everything about Kate. Known as bond mates, Kate and Noah were designed to be together, only Kate is from Earth and Noah from Naresh. Kate is used to acting with autonomy, Noah symbiotically. Noah’s people, eons ago, discovered a mushroom with amazing powers. It can form into any shape, taste like anything you desire, and will live almost forever, as long as it is able to utilize kinetic energy in a positive manner. The mushroom will not live in negativity. This poses a problem when Kate and her people are lifted off Earth and taken to Noah’s ship, the Nektosha. So, what is science fiction? Most definitions conclude that science fiction is a form of fiction, generally set in the future, that deals with imaginary scientific and technological developments and contact with other worlds. (See Encarta World English Dictionary) For me, science fiction gives me the opportunity to tell a story that can overlap from the present into the future. In Gemini Rising, Kate Kelly is faced with surviving an apocalyptic event on Earth. Noah, an alien from the planet Naresh, is sent to help her and her people during the conflict, eventually producing the child Lucia, who will bring Earth into the galactic age. Science fiction allowed me to mix religion, science, imagination, and the triumph of the human spirit over incalculable odds into one book. In the sequel to Gemini Rising, the OLAM YETZIRAH, (the place of angels) Noah and Kate are taken off Earth and sent to the Olam where angels live. Using the Jewish Kabala and other esoteric sources, I was able to create a new planet and universe in another dimension that follows different rules than Earth. People live longer; times wraps in and around itself, and nothing is as it seems. Science Fiction has given me a portal into my own imagination and I welcome new scientific advances as much as I do chocolate. Well, maybe not as much as chocolate. WorldBuilding, Step II, Parallel Universes This is the fun part, at least for me. I love physics—theory, not the math. I hate math, always have. However, theory is AWESOME. Here you get to play with the building blocks of matter. In California, a group of scientists have proven that a quantum state can be observable with the human eye, proposing that time travel may be more than just science fiction. Andrew Cleveland of UC Santa Barbara was able to cool a tiny 30 micrometer metal paddle to the point where it reached a quantum mechanical ground state, or the place where nature gets really bizarre. After the cooling process was finished, Cleveland and staff were able to simultaneously make the paddle vibrate and stand still at the same time. Ack! The paddle was both vibrating and not vibrating at the same time. Can you imagine? And the paddle was observable by the human eye, not necessarily the motion itself. Before this, the quantum state has only been managed with single particles such as atoms and molecules. Now it has been done with a physical, albeit small, object. This opens up a new world in science fiction. This study theorizes that once you observe an object, you split the universe into two parts. Imagine the ideas that come with that theory. You could have your characters’ lover splitting in two while two more heroines split off from the original, indefinitely. OK, maybe that’s over doing it a little because you can end up having a book that quite literally will go on forever. To be considered Science Fiction one must: Have a setting in the future or in an alternative time line. A setting in outer space or involving aliens or unknown civilizations. The discovery or application of new scientific principles, such as time travel or new technology Political or social systems different from those of the known present or past. *Kudos to Share with us some of your ideas on multiple universes or time traveling techniques and I’ll be back later to answer some of your questions. Archaeology I’ll bet you didn’t know that in 1929 a gazelle skin map was found dating back to 1513. On it is outlined the eastern coast of South America and the northern coast of Antarctica. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly designed. But wait you say! The Antarctic is covered in ice and the last time the land mass was ice-free was over 6,000 years ago. You are correct. So, one wonders, who mapped Antarctica 6,000 years ago? I don’t know and neither do archaeologists. The only way we know the map contains a perfect outline is because we have modern technology that can ‘see’ through the ice. What kind of suppositions can you make? Something happened in 1513 that exposed the coastline, the map was ‘stolen’ from an earlier time period, or the entire map is a hoax (which it isn’t for clarification). The newest rage is the Mayan calendar. It is a beautiful stone engraving that bursts into the imagination carrying with it all manner of neurosis’. Will the world end or is it a new beginning? It can be hoax or truth, real or imagined and the only one who can give voice to the stone tablet is you since no one really knows why the Aztecs’ stopped calendaring. There are so many archaeological mysteries it is hard to count. While most of them will be debunked in time, some boggle the imagination. Set yourself out to Google a few for yourself. ntikythera Device Phaistos Disk Baghdad Battery (this one is fun) Flower of Life Dendera Lamps If any of you live near San Jose, California, go and visit the RosicrucianMuseum. There is a wealth of information for anyone’s active imagination. It’s a wonderful place for an afternoon’s visit with lovely parks to sit and eat lunch. Thank you for coming today. Life is an amazing and wondrous experience, so go out and enjoy! 1/20/2011 11:39:04 am
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